We as a network do not endorse all the material presented or linked on this page. By the nature of our diverse network, some members would agree with any particular item and some members would likely disagree at some points. This material is part of our ongoing discussion.


2012 Pre-Reading and Presentations


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Translation-related Articles


Linked Translation-related Articles

  • Meaning Discrepancy in Terminology between Christians and Muslims – Georges Houssney
    Bible translation has experienced tremendous advancements on many levels. But there are serious problems, both in philosophy and practice. My own training in Psycholinguistics was with secular professors, some of them Muslims. My training in Bible translation was with Christian linguists, most of them with a background in Anthropology. Charles Kraft, Paul Hiebert, Tom and Betty Brewster, and others. My personal study of the subject included books by Nida, Wonderly, Taber, and others. I would like to offer some of the insights I have gained over the years, hoping to contribute some positive, fresh, and new ways of thinking to the discussion on Bible translation.
  • Jesus’ Relationship to God, from His Words in John 13-17 – Don Fairbairn
    Many papers and articles in the ongoing Muslim Idiom Translation (henceforth MIT) discussion have taken as their starting point the use of the phrase “Son of God” in specific New Testament passages. Other papers and articles have offered more of a big-picture approach by surveying the use of the words “Son” and “Father” throughout the bible. What I propose to do in this article is also big-picture in nature, but rather than surveying the broad uses of words, I would like to focus on one extended biblical passage that I believe undergirds biblical passage that I believe undergirds not only the way the Bible links those concepts to salvation and Christian life.
  • Translating “Son of God”: Insights from the Early Church – by Don Fairbairn
    In my article “Jesus’ Relationship to God, from His Words in John 13-17,” I argued that on the basis of Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse and High Priestly Prayer, the eternal relationship between the Son and the Father is central to Christianity. I contend that because of this one needs to allow the uniqueness and centrality of that relationship to shine forth clearly in the translated text of the New Testament. The question I would like to raise in this follow-up article is whether “Son or “son of God” must always be translated the same way, or whether it may be translated with different expressions in different passages, so as to render more clearly the contextual meanings it conveys in those different passages.